Outputs, results and resources
The overall goal was to create an umbrella organisation that gives participating businesses a package of benefits including access to an established scientific tourism brand and identity, a website where they can market and sell their products, access to transnational promotional campaigns, a supportive network of businesses offering similar products, as well as access to guidelines reflecting all the expertise gained throughout the course of the project.
Here we present some of the reports, user guides and communication materials that were developed as part of the project and in fulfillment of these outputs.
Output: Scientific Tourism Guidelines publication
The guidelines act as a to-do guide on how to develop scientific tourism products, intended to support entrepreneurs who want to either create new scientific tourism products or incorporate scientific education into existing ones.
- T1.3.1. Scientific tourism product model.pdf379 K
- T1.2.1. Review of SCITOUR products and concepts.pdf325 K
- T1.3.1. The underlying pedagogical approach for developing a Scientific Tourism product.pdf277 K
Output: New scientific tourism products
Partners worked with SMEs to develop new scientific tourism products. This process was closely documented and some of the products were tested. At least 20 new products were created. Project partners also encouraged business clustering, whereby scientific tourism businesses partner with other local businesses such as accommodation and food providers to offer visitors a packaged experience.
The new products are presented on the 'Wonder Seekers' website at www.wonderseekers.com.
Output: Training materials
This consisted of material aimed at potential SCITOUR entrepreneurs and published on the 'For Businesses' section of the website.
Output: A brand identity for the SCITOUR network
The project developed a SCITOUR brand identity and logo to help market the concept, network and products. It is available for the use of any tourism businesses who join the SCITOUR network. This uses the brand name 'Wonder Seekers.'
- SCITOUR logo.jpg133 K
- SCITOUR logo with NPA and EU logos.png51 K
- Wonder Seekers poster.pdf1.36 M
- Wonder Seeker pull up banner design.pdf0.95 M
Output: Project event
The SCITOUR conference took place in Roveniemi near the end of the project and involved project partners and stakeholders. This launched the concept, network and website.
Output: A pilot network of SCITOUR businesses
The SCITOUR project will take advantage of the existence of an informal network of existing businesses in Iceland who offer educational products focused on glaciology, geology, geothermal heat, volcanism and earthquakes. This will be developed into a formal network supported by a digital platform, which will provide information and support materials and provide an online space for discussion and knowledge exchange. The aim is to create a positive and supportive environment where related businesses can interact and collaborate. This will provide a model that can be extended worldwide.
Output: SCITOUR website
The project developed a website under the umbrella of the SCITOUR 'Wonder Seekers' brand. This both promotes the SCITOUR concept and provides a platform for businesses to market their scientific tourism products, including details of how to book and buy these products. The website is at www.wonderseekers.com.
Output: Digital marketing campaign
A transnational digital marketing campaign promoted the SCITOUR concept and the new scientific tourism products and businesses. It uses these dedicated social media channels.
Facebook @WonderSeekersAdventures
Instagram @wonder-seekers
Twitter @wonderseekers